About Our Treatments

Podiatry involves the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to foot and lower limb to establish the causes of minor foot conditions. A podiatry appointment is useful for those patients with corns & calluses; fungal nail infections; athletes foot; heel pain; bunions.

Our Podiatrist will warmly welcome you into our clinic and full details of your medical, surgical and treatment history will be taken. As healthcare professionals we are bound by a strict code of ethics, therefore any details that you disclose during your appointment will be kept in the strictest of confidence.

After listening to you about your foot complaint/concern the podiatrist will examine both of your feet thoroughly and any foot conditions will be diagnosed. The treatment options available will be discussed with you. Your feet will then be treated, and foot care advice is given, where necessary to help keep your feet healthy in the future. Your treatment may include the nails being cut and filed. Hard skin, corns and cracked heels painlessly removed. Exfoliating with a mechanical sander, followed by a luxurious moisturiser.

Podiatry treatment may also involve a biomechanical assessment, or minor surgery. If such treatments are needed the podiatrist will explain them to you and will reschedule you for a further appointment.

Nail Surgery

Thick, misshapen, or ingrown toenails can be painful and become infected. Palliative treatment in a podiatry clinic may relieve the symptoms for a short period of time but they often reoccur once the nail starts to regrow.

Nail surgery is routine minor surgical procedure carried out under local anaesthetic, to relieve discomfort from ingrowing and painful toenails, providing a permanent and safe treatment. This is done by removing the offending nail, or part of the toenail and applying a chemical to the root to prevent it from growing back.

A consultation is required before arranging the procedure. Our podiatrists will carry out a thorough assessment and medical history, before explaining the procedure in detail, alongside all pre & post-operative information.

Following nail surgery, you will be required to attend to further follow up appointments to assess the healing the toe.

Basic Toenail Cut

This is for those patients unable to reach their feet; for those taking certain medications; or those with underlying health conditions that make it difficult to maintain their own nail care.

Our clinic offers a ‘no frills’ treatment to cut and file your toenails and reduce thickening of the nails with an electric drill.

Diabetic Foot Care

It is especially important to look after your feet if you have diabetes as you are at a much greater risk of developing foot problems.

Overtime raised blood glucose (raised blood sugar levels) can cause damage to the blood vessels and nerves in the feet and legs.

Damage to the nerves can result in the loss of sensation (feeling) in the feet, known as diabetic neuropathy, can lead to the loss of sensation, or the feet becoming numb. Without sensation you may not notice an injury or change in the condition of your feet.

Your circulation may also be affected resulting in reduced blood flow getting to your feet. This can result in slower healing of wounds; pain in your feet or legs; skin and nails can become thin and dry.

If left untreated foot problems can become serious and may result in diabetic foot ulceration or even amputation.

Most foot problems can be prevented with good, regular foot care. By checking your feet regularly, you will quickly notice any signs of changes to your feet, or any damage that may be occurring and can get help from a healthcare professional to prevent the damaging worsening. Signs of damage can be cuts or grazes, bruising, swelling; changes in colour of your skin; hard skin or ulceration. Also be aware of any cracking from dry skin as this could develop into an ulcer over time.
It is important that people with diabetes have a regular check up with a healthcare professional specifically trained to look after your feet.

Green Cross podiatry & chiropody clinic are able to provide our patients with diabetes not only their annual diabetic foot assessment, but also educate you on how diabetes can affect your feet; develop a treatment plan with advice for a foot care routine you will be able to manage towards having healthy feet in the future.

Routine Podiatry

This is the treatment you choose if you are looking for an overhaul of your feet.

Podiatrists understand that healthy feet mean a healthy body. Your appointment begins with a luxury foot bath (only available in our Sheffield Clinic). Nails are cut and filed. Hard skin, corns and cracked heels are painlessly removed. Smoothing with a mechanical sander, followed by a luxurious moisturiser.

For that complete transformation and indulgence, the application of a nail polish of your choice, including a base, and glossy topcoat are applied to your toenails.

Biochemical Assessment

Suffering with painful legs, feet, or hips? If so, then a biomechanical assessment may be able to help you.

A biomechanical assessment examines the lower limbs to find any issues with alignment, structure, weaknesses, or strength to help identify your problem. These assessments are suitable for runners, sports injuries, those experiencing pain/discomfort when they walk or run, or general foot pain.

During your appointment with our podiatrist a thorough history of your general health and lifestyle will be taken, alongside full details of the circumstance and nature of your foot problem.

The podiatrist will undertake a gait analysis, looking at the way you walk, and a ‘hands on’ approach to test the range of motion of the joint of the foot and ankle, and muscle strength of the lower limb, in order to help to identify links between your symptoms and the position and function of the lower limbs and feet.

Using the findings from your assessment our podiatrist will discuss their diagnosis followed by an effective treatment plan that will include footwear advice, exercises, and the possible use of orthotics.

Verruca Treatment

Verrucae are plantar warts that commonly occur on the soles of the feet, or around the toe area. Caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) they are contagious with direct person to person contact.

Verrucae are commonly seen in children, teenagers, and young adults. They are harmless but become uncomfortable and painful if they develop under weightbearing areas of the foot. Hard skin may also develop over the verruca, increasing the discomfort in this area, and can make the verruca appear larger in size.

The most common appearance of verruca is a small cauliflower type growth on the foot with tiny black dots. Often a person may only have one singular verruca, but they may also appear as a cluster of small verrucae, known as a mosaic verruca.

Many verrucae will disappear of their own accord within six months, in children but longer in adults (up to 2 years). The body’s own immune system recognises the virus and fights the infection naturally; but it can take a few months for this to happen.
If the verruca is not painful avoid scratching or touching it and allow your body to get rid of it naturally.

For painful or unsightly verruca, or those that appear to be spreading self-treatment can be used at home using ointments or gels specifically for the treatment of verrucae. However, if the lesion becomes painful, or the surrounding skin becomes red, swollen, stop treatment as the acid in the treatment you are using may be damaging the healthy skin around the verruca, which may hamper further treatment.

You should seek help from a podiatrist for your verruca if you have diabetes, poor circulation, pregnant; or have any other health condition that affects your foot health. It is important not to treat them yourself without seeking healthcare advice first.
If you are worried about your verruca and/or your self-treatment is not working visit a podiatrist.

At Green Cross Podiatry clinic our podiatrists will assess your medical history and foot health before deciding on a treatment plan with you. This may include
• Acid based treatments, which are stronger than over the counter treatments from your local pharmacy
• Cryotherapy, which is the freezing of the verruca using liquid nitrogen
• Needling, where the entire area of the verruca is pricked with a needle to stimulate the body’s immune system.